Online Practitioner Development Workshops

Online Reiki Practitioner Development Workshops

Based on the modules of the verified Professional Reiki Practitioner Course these workshops will support you in developing as a Reiki practitioner working with the public.  Suitable for practitioners outside the UK for whom verification is not an option and for those who wish to follow the individual verification route and need to fill gaps in their knowledge.

These workshops are also suitable for continuing professional development and deepening your Reiki practice in general. Working as a group you will have the opportunity to meet and interact with other Reiki practitioners, which is always an enriching experience. As the sessions are online, participants can join from any part of the world for which the time is suitable.

Dates are yet to be finalised so please sign up for my newsletter to be kept in touch with any announcements.

Here is a list of the workshops planned:

  • What it means to be a professional Reiki practitioner: Review of where you are now, what development would support you and a more in depth exploration of the three phases of Reiki practice. 
  • Self-care – to explore the importance of self-care for professional practitioners through regular self-treatment and receiving treatments ourselves.  What fitness to practice means and how to maintain it. To include self-treatment practice.
  • Treatment practice - review of treatment form and how it applies to public/professional treatments, including a demonstration of the foundation Usui Shiki Ryoho treatment form plus optional additional hand positions. If time we can also cover seated treatment. 
  •   Preparing and managing the treatment environment What to consider when preparing a space for a Reiki treatment: what is necessary, what is good option, what is not needed. Including venue options (clinic space, hospital, home visits)
  • Communication and Care How to communicate effectively with clients, including how to introduce Reiki to new clients, taking a history, good communication, what to say and what not to say. 
  • Supporting the Healing Process Exploring our role as health and wellbeing practitioners, including evaluation and review of treatments, PEMS, mental balance/imbalance and its effects on lifestyle, impact of life events.
  • Lineage and Reiki Systems Understanding the importance of Reiki lineage and about some of the different forms of Reiki practice. Knowing your own lineage and why this is important to know. 
  • Being a Professional Exploration of our responsibilities as a professional: what society will expect from us, boundaries, supervision and onward referrals. To include record keeping.
  • Staying Legal As we move into working with the public it is important to know about the various laws and regulations that apply. 
  •  The Flow of Money Exploration of how to set fees and basic book-keeping and tax issues.
    Letting People Know Once you are ready to offer your Reiki service it is important to know how to let people know. What advertising is appropriate and what works (from my experience)?
  • Next Steps Review of where you are and what your next steps might be.


£55.00 per workshop.

Season ticket for 6 workshops: £300.00

Season ticket for 12 workshops: £540.00

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